Conversation Pattern 52
"Be afraid" + "that" + Sentence

Model Sentence
I'm afraid that I can't help you this time.

This is a very common sentence pattern that is used to make an excuse, to refuse a request, or to say you're sorry. In the Conversation Practice exercise below, be sure that all answers use this pattern!

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!

1. I'm afraid I'm too tired to go to work!
2. I'm afraid (that) I won't be able to finish this job.
3. I'm afraid (that) I won't have time to see you this weekend.
4. I'm sorry but I can't meet you this week. (How about next week?)
5. I'm sorry but I won't be able to finish the job until next week.

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends. Be sure the answers use "I'm afraid that...".

1. Could you lend me 100 dollars?
2. Would you stay at work until 11 o'clock tonight?
3. Will you let me sleep at your home for a few weeks?
4. Can you do my homework for me?
5. Could you do all of my work for me while I'm on vacation?


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