Conversation Pattern 54
"Be going to" + Verb + Time

Model Sentence
Are you going to take a vacation next month?

This is very similar to Sentence Pattern 53. The big difference is that we use "be going to" instead of "will". In sentence pattern 54, we are already using "-ing" in "going to" so most verbs that follow will NOT be in the "-ing" form.

Pronunciation Practice - Repeat each sentence out loud!

1. Are you going to visit Japan this year?
2. Is she going to start a new job this week?
3. Are they going to have a baby soon?
4. Is he going to visit us this month?
5. Are you going to buy a new computer sometime this year?

Conversation Practice - Ask these questions to your friends!

1. Are you going to do anything fun on the weekend?
2. Are you going to visit some place interesting this month?
3. Are your friends going to visit you this week?
4. Is your brother (or sister) going to work on Saturday?
5. Is your city going to have any big events in the summer?


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